Archive / World of Finance / Evento_6.12
Associazione studentesca

World of Finance Association


Trading on Commodities

Caro/a studente/essa,
Il 6 dicembre avremo come ospite un esperto di trading che presenterà perché e come investire in commodities.
L'evento si terrà in A23 alle 18:30.
Ingresso 10 CHF per gli esterni.
Gratuito per i soci.
Per chi volesse associarsi a World of Finance la quota annuale è di 20 CHF.

Sito ed Eventi

World of Finance Association


Trading on Commodities

Dear student,
On December 6th we will have as a guest a trading expert who will present why and how to invest in commodities.
The event will take place in A23 at 6.30pm.
Entrance 10 CHF for outsiders.
Free for members.
For those wishing to join World of Finance, the annual fee is 20 CHF.

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