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CV Counselling by Industry
Experts 2022/2023
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Rivedi il tuo CV con un industry expert – 1° appuntamento 20 ottobre 2022
Aula A-14, USI Campus Lugano
H. 8.30-10.30
Su iscrizione, posti limitati
I CV Counselling by Industry Experts sono appuntamenti individuali, della durata di 20 minuti, con professionisti di diversi ambiti professionali, di revisione e consigli sul Curriculum Vitae.
Prenota un appuntamento di CV Counselling con:
--> ADESSO SCHWEIZ (con C. Tombetti e D. Gaias, Expert Consultants)
--> BASILESE ASSICURAZIONI (con M. Mangiacavalli, HR Business Partner)
--> BRIGHTSIDE (con A. Casna, Head of Marketing & Business Development e G. Moretti, HR Manager)
--> EY (con C. Monfredi, Audit Manager)
--> PKB (con D. Dioguardi, HR Generalist)
Per partecipare è necessario iscriversi al link sotto allegando il CV.
Consulta il sito Career per vedere i prossimi appuntamenti e partecipanti al CV Counselling by Industry Experts che si terranno nelle seguenti date:
--> 10 Novembre 2022
--> 24 Novembre 2022
--> 6 Dicembre 2022
CV Counselling by Industry
Experts 2022/2023
Italian version
Browser version
Check your CV with an industry expert – 1° appointment 20 October 2022
Room A-14, USI Campus Lugano
H. 8.30-10.30
Upon registration, limited places
The CV Counselling by Industry Experts are one-to-one meetings, lasting 20-minutes, with professionals from different fields, to get a review and advise on your Curriculum Vitae.
Book your CV Counselling with:
--> ADESSO SCHWEIZ (with C. Tombetti and D. Gaias, Expert Consultants)
--> BASILESE ASSICURAZIONI (with M. Mangiacavalli, HR Business Partner)
--> BRIGHTSIDE (with A. Casna, Head of Marketing & Business Development and G. Moretti, HR Manager)
--> EY (with C. Monfredi, Audit Manager)
--> PKB (with D. Dioguardi, HR Generalist)
To attend, you need to register to the link below and attach your CV.
Check the Career site to see the upcoming appointments and participants in the CV Counselling by Industry Experts, that will be held on the following dates:
--> 10 November 2022
--> 24 November 2022
--> 6 December 2022