Optimal Reference Frames, Scalings, and Features in Visualization
Host: Prof. Kai Hormann
USI Lugano Campus, room SI-003, Informatics building
Holger Theisel
University of Magdeburg, Germany
Holger Theisel is professor for Visual Computing at Magdeburg University (Germany). He received his Ph.D. (1996) and habilitation (2001) degrees from the University of Rostock (Germany), and had research stays at Arizona State University (USA), ICIMAF Havana (Cuba), MPI Informatik Saarbrücken (Germany), and Bielefeld University (Germany). His research interests focus on scientific visualization as well as on geometric design, geometry processing and information visualization and Visual Analytics. He co-authored more than 70 papers in the top journals in the field. He served as General Chair of the IEEE VIS 2018 conference in Berlin.