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Verification of Concurrency Properties for JVM based Programming Languages
Chair: Aron Fiechter
USI East Campus, Room C1.05
16:30 - 17:30
Akshatha Shenoy
Università della Svizzera italiana
Speaker: Akshatha Shenoy
Abstract: Practitioners have successfully used testing to debug large-scale programs, but this approach faces challenges with concurrent programs due to numerous possible thread interleavings. Concurrency bugs often appear only in specific interleavings, making exhaustive testing impractical. Concurrency bug detection techniques are classified as: (1) Dynamic: Analyze concrete program executions, but can’t check all possible runs. (2) Static: Analyze source code without execution, checking all runs but potentially reporting false positives. (3) Hybrid: Combine static and dynamic approaches for better coverage and practicality. This talk will discuss state-of-the-art concurrency analysis, focusing on Java due to its widespread use and compilation to bytecode. Bytecode’s restricted instruction set facilitates uniform modeling and analysis. These techniques may also apply to other JVM languages like Scala and Kotlin.
Biography: Akshatha Shenoy is a Ph.D. student in the Faculty of Informatics at USI, where she is part of the ATOM Research Group headed by Prof. Carlo A. Furia. She received her Master’s degree in Computer Science in 2020 and worked at Tata Research Development and Design Centre till 2023. Her current research interest is making program verification techniques more practical, especially for JVM based programming languages.
Chair: Aron Fiechter
In February 2019, the Software Institute started its SI Seminar Series. Every Thursday afternoon, a researcher of the Institute will publicly give a short talk on a software engineering argument of their choice. Examples include, but are not limited to novel interesting papers, seminal papers, personal research overview, discussion of preliminary research ideas, tutorials, and small experiments.
On our YouTube playlist you can watch some of the past seminars. On the SI website you can find more details on the next seminar, the upcoming seminars, and an archive of the past speakers.