The Arab-Israeli Conflict and Sunni-Shia Confrontation: New Fault-lines |
Middle East Mediterranean Freethinking Platform MEM |
Aula A- 21, Palazzo rosso, campus di Lugano
Il 3 e 4 maggio prossimi si terranno le due conferenze conclusive del ciclo The Middle Eastern Crisis: from The Arab Spring to Islamic State, durante il quale gli studenti e il pubblico sono stati accompagnati alla scoperta delle nuove configurazioni e sfide della regione del Medio Oriente Mediterraneo.
Il professor Kepel dedicherà la sua penultima conferenza ai grandi conflitti e alle divisioni che, da tempo, segnano la regione. Si analizzeranno il conflitto arabo-israeliano, gli scontri fra sunniti e sciiti, la guerra in Libano, senza tralasciare le influenze e gli equilibri delle grandi potenze. L’indagine delle cause nel passato illuminerà gli sviluppi e gli effetti di queste tensioni permanenti, ma mutevoli, sul presente. |
The Arab-Israeli Conflict and Sunni-Shia Confrontation: New Fault-lines |
Middle East Mediterranean Freethinking Platform MEM |
Room A- 21, Red Building, Lugano campus
The concluding lectures in the series The Middle Eastern Crisis: from ‘The Arab Spring’ to ‘Islamic State’ will be held on 3 and 4 May. The lecture series was designed to take students and the general public on a journey of discovery through the new configurations and challenges of the Middle East Mediterranean region.
Professor Kepel will devote his penultimate lecture to the great conflicts and divisions that have characterized the region for so long. He will analyse the Arab-Israeli conflict, the Sunni-Shia confrontation, and the war in Lebanon, including, not least, the influences and the balance of the major world powers. Exploring and identifying the causes in the past, the lecture will shine a light on the developments and the persistent, though changing, impact of these tensions on the present. |
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