Are you willing to conduct a research project in collaboration with your national or international partners? Then consider submitting an SNSF Sinergia or an ERC Sinergy project, or proposing a new COST Action, some of the many funding opportunities for research collaboration.
ERC Synergy Grants enable teams of two to four Principal Investigators (PIs) to pool complementary skills, knowledge, and resources in unprecedented ways in order to jointly address ambitious research problems.Up to 10 million EUR are available for projects of up to 6 years duration.
Sinergia promotes interdisciplinary collaboration between two to four applicants whose project involves breakthrough research.Funding is granted for one to four years with a budget between CHF 50’000 and CHF 3.2 million. The consortium must include at least 2 to a maximum of 4 research groups.
The Marie Sklodowska-Curie Innovative Training Networks (ITN) support joint research training and/or doctoral programme implemented by European partnerships providing early stage researchers (PhD students) with training and experience inside and outside academia.
In the context of the bilateral programmes initiated by the Swiss government, the SNSF, the National Council for Scientific and Technological Development (CNPq) and the Brazilian National Council of State Funding Agencies (CONFAP) are issuing a call for Joint Research Projects (JRPs).
COST invites researchers to submit proposals for new Actions contributing to the scientific, economic or cultural knowledge advancement and development of Europe.COST Actions are flexible, fast, effective and efficient networking to cooperate and coordinate nationally funded research activities.