The SNSF launched a new programme for international cooperation between Swiss researchers and their colleagues in 127 selected countries that are receiving development assistance.Funding is awarded to research projects submitted by excellent research consortia from 2 to 4 countries.
Under Horizon 2020 Societal Challenge 4 “Smart, green and integrated transport” there are several open calls in the following research area:- Building a low-carbon, climate resilient future- Mobility for Growth- Digitising and Transforming European Industry and Services
The Shift2Rail call comprises 6 topics open to S2R members and 12 to non-JU Members. Researchers from USI / SUPSI can participate to the topics for non-JU Members.The S2R Joint Undertaking is looking forward to a broader participation to the 2019 Call, both geographically and in terms of synergies.
A call for transnational cooperation initiatives that can deliver concrete results for the North-West Europe area is now open. This interreg call for proposals is only open to priority 1 "Innovation" and priority 3 "Resource and materials efficiency". Each priority has specific objectives.
Each year, Swissuniversities within the framework of its program “Cotutelles de these” grants financial support to PhD students whose doctoral project is based on a cooperation agreement between a Swiss and a partner university abroad.The maximum amount of aid is CHF 10'000.