To simplify collaboration with Polish and Slovenian researchers, the SNSF has signed a lead Agency agreement with the funding organization of these countries. Lead Agency applications must have a joint research question and a joint research plan (Lead Agency is part of SNSF's project funding scheme)
The SNSF has agreed to jointly fund projects together with the Danish funding agency within the scope of an international co-investigator scheme.Similar agreements are already in place with the UK, Norway and Sweden. International co-investigator scheme is part of the SNSF's project funding scheme.
A new call for collaborative Interreg projects has been opened under the funding programme Interreg V-A Italia-Svizzera 2014-2020. Proposals can be submitted for the following topics:- Integrated and sustainable mobility;- Community integration services;- Strengthening cross-border governance.
The Istituto Svizzero provides a research platform for exchange that connects the Swiss scientific community with Italy as well as internationally. It offers fellowships, summer schools and residencies.