Given Switzerland is currently a non-associated third country in the EU's Horizon Europe research and innovation programme, the SNSF has been mandated by the SERI to offer an alternative call for proposals as part of its broader transitional measures in 2021-2022: the SNSF Starting Grant Call 2022.
The new scheme will merge the SNSF Eccellenza and ERC Starting Grant Calls: for these reason there will be no Eccellenza call 2022. Instead, interested researchers can apply for an SNSF Starting Grant.The Call will open the 1st December, 2021.
Similarly to Eccellenza the call funds assistant professor positions within Swiss higher education institutions, including the applicant’s salary and the research team up to 1.8 mio. CHF for 5 years.
- The eligibility window is 3 to 8 years from the PhD;- No prior relationship to Switzerland is required;- Applicants might already have a professor position abroad. For applicants who already have a professor position in Switzerland, only the research team and not their salary will be funded.
USI welcomes excellent candidates who fit in the university’s scientific profile and display scientific independence, particularly coming from outside. The decision whether to support them will be taken by the rectorate. Internal candidates will be supported only exceptionally.