On 24th February 2022, the Rectorate revised the policy on the management of funded R&D projects (“Direttiva sulla gestione dei progetti di ricerca e sviluppo finanziati”). The new regulation is already in force and it applies to all new funded R&D projects. Click here to read the updated policy.
- Art.3. Scope: clarification of the Policy on foundations, donations and sponsorships;- Art.13. Contribution of the PI: descriptions of exceptions, salary provisions and personal accounts;- Art.19. Overheads: application of OH breakdown for research and service contracts and for foundations.
FIR's aim is to promote the strategic development of research at USI. It supports structured projects through an annual call for proposals (currently in preparation) and specific support needs.
USI provides specific and limited funding for research activities through the FIR.Potential beneficiaries are members of the professorial and intermediate bodies (MER and Group leaders) who have an employment contract with USI.
Eligible costs may include:- Acquisition of data, software, hardware for specific needs- Seed-money for researchers- Exceptional research positions not covered by institute contracts- Enhancement of sabbaticalsThe maximum funding is CHF 20'000 and it is non-repeatable for a period of 2 years.
A motivated request must be submitted to the SRIT, including a justification for the request, an indication of the contribution to the development of research, prospects for further funding and the budget.Click here to find more information!