CHIST-ERA promotes novel and multidisciplinary research with the potential to lead to significant technology breakthroughs in the long term. The call for projects aims at filling gaps through transnational collaborative projects. This call is open to any research area.
International consortia composed of researchers from at least three of the following eleven countries can submit applications for a period of 24 months: Belgium, Brazil, Czech Republic, France, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Poland, Slovakia, Switzerland, Turkey and the United Kingdom.
The SNSF has no budget limits but each project is considered to require around CHF 500,000 for a maximum duration of 24 months.
An online networking event spanning from October 3 to October 17 where potential applicants have the possibility to book one-to-one online meetings with other potential applicants.Click here to find more information on the event.
Two info webinars on October 3 and November 28 to present the Call ORD to potential applicants and any other people interested in the call.Click here to find more information on the events