SNSF Sinergia has been discontinued, but interdisciplinary collaborative projects will now be accepted under the SNSF Project Funding scheme and assessed by a separate evaluation panel. The scheme allows researchers employed at least 50% to independently conduct research projects for 1-4 years.
You can hold up to 3 Project Funding grants in parallel if at least one is approved for a Lead Agency/Weave, International Co-Investigator Scheme or EU Consortium project. The topics addressed by all the proposed research projects must differ clearly from one another.
Budget cap:Max. CHF 250K per applicant per year (i.e. max. CHF 1M per applicant for 4 years);Max. CHF 1M per project per year (i.e. max. CHF 4M per project for 4 years).Coordination costs:If 3+ applicants are involved, they can include the coordination costs in their budget
In collaborative projects with 3+ applicants, one applicant can be employed by a research institution outside of Switzerland if their skills are necessary for the project.
Applicants no longer have to submit a Data Management Plan (DMP) along with their application. The DMP will be requested only if the project is granted. However, you will still need to include the cost of access to research data in your budget at the application stage.
The application form will be available in July 2023 on the new SNSF portal. We recommend you to start now creating your account and filling out your CV in the new format. Be aware that an OrcidID profile is a mandatory requirement