The SNSF and the Ukrainian agency NRFU will launch a call for proposals to strengthen bilateral scientific cooperation between the two countries. A total of 15 joint research projects between researchers in Switzerland and Ukraine will be funded. The call is thematically open for basic research.
Max. budget: - CHF 265K for a 2-year project (max. CHF 165K for Swiss part, max. CHF 100K for Ukrainian part)- CHF 400K for a 3-year project (max. CHF 250K for Swiss part, max. CHF 150K for Ukrainian part)
- At least 1 applicant in CH and 1 in Ukraine. - Applicants in CH must adhere to the same eligibility rules of Project Funding.- Applicants in Ukraine must have a FTE position at a higher education or research institution in Ukraine.- Applicants can submit only 1 proposal per call.
- For CH: same eligible costs as Project Funding. - For UKR: salary of the PI and personnel, materials and consumables, purchase or rent equipment, travel and accommodation, obtain patents, translations, access to DB, overheads.- Both the Swiss and the Ukrainian part are funded by the SNSF.
In collaboration with Scholars at Risk (SAR) Switzerland, the SNSF is also supporting placements of researchers under threat in Switzerland. For UKR participants, the SNSF now also requires co-financing from the institute of reference.