The SNSF pre-announced the launch of a career grant for outstanding researchers to lead an independent research project and acquire a junior assistant-professor position.The launch of the call is foreseen in October 2024. The grant will cover the grantee salary + max. CHF 1 million research costs.
At the submission date, candidates have:- 2-8 years after the PhD defence, or- 5-12 years after the medical degree;- Shown evidence of creative and original thinking and have contributed to impactful research in their field.
Additionally, non-Swiss applicants or applicants without a degree from a Swiss university, must have carried out research for at least 2 years with an average work-time percentage of at least 80% at a Swiss research institution.
An internal assessment is necessary to obtain the institutional support letter. Candidates must provide:- CV + publications list- Cover letter- Support letter from USI professor(s) supporting their application. Given the time required for this procedure, candidates must contact the SRI asap.
Further details of this call will be communicated at the time of its launch, which is expected to be on 15 October 2024.