These actions aim to create respectively: doctoral training programmes and collaborative project based on short-term international and inter-sectoral exchanges of staff members between academic and non-academic organizations. Participation is open to institution grouped in consortium.
Organisations based in Switzerland can participate in MSCA Doctoral Networks (DN), MSCA Staff Exchanges (SE) as ‘Associated Partners’. The Swiss project partner will not be funded by the European Commission but by the State Secretariat for Education, Research and Innovation (SERI).
For both calls, proposals will be evaluated by experts based on 'excellence', 'impact', 'quality and 'efficiency of the implementation'. Proposals scoring equal to 70% or above will be considered for funding. For MSCA Doctoral Networks, resubmission is allowed for proposal rated above 80%.
Projects can last for up to 4 years (up to 5 for Joint Doctorates). The duration of each fellowship is between 3-36 months (3-48 for JD). The financing is based on unit costs where a researcher month is one unit. Candidates must be recruited under an employment contract or equivalent.
MSCA SE promote innovative international, inter-sectoral and interdisciplinary collaboration in research and innovation through short-term exchanges of staff, members of participating organizations. It is open to research, technical, administrative and managerial staff supporting R&I activities.
Projects can last for up to 4 years. The grant funds mobility from 1-12 months for each staff and it is based on unit costs where a month of mobility is 1 unit (€2710/month to the researcher + €2300/month to the sending organization). Staff should return to their organizations after the secondment.