On 20 December 2024, Switzerland & the EU concluded negotiations on a new broad package of agreements that aim to deepen & expand the EU-CH relationship. These affect Swiss participation in EC research funding programmes. The signature & ratification of the EU-CH association agreement will follow.
As of 1 January 2025 the EU has fully activated the transitional arrangement, allowing Swiss-based researchers & innovators to once again apply as “beneficiaries”, and even “coordinators”, to almost all Horizon Europe, Euratom & Digital Europe calls, from the 2025 programme year onwards.
Swiss-based applicants must apply to the calls with identifier 2025 onwards as “beneficiary” (and not as “associated partner”). This is the only way to get funded by the EC should CH become fully associated. You also must include your budget in the total amount requested by the consortium.
If you get the grant and, by the time you sign the grant agreement, CH is fully associated, your part of the budget will be covered by the EC (as any other “beneficiary”). In case of non-association, Swiss government will cover your budget and your status will switch to "associaciated partner".
Register now to the Euresearch webinar "Expand your Horizon: New Possibilities for Swiss Organisation to Access Horizon Europe" that will be held on 20 January 2025. Contact the Research Service for help identifying the call best suited for you and to get admin & budget support for your application.
EU projects allow you to strengthen your R&I network, cooperate with a wide range of partners and diversify your funding portfolio.