Get your international research project off the ground with funding from the SNSF. Contact the Research Service for assistance throughout the application process.
For health and social care research projects on neurodegenerative diseases. At least 3 researchers based in different participating countries. SNSF funds 3-4 CH-based projects with CHF 100-300K each for 1-3 years.
For preclinical and clinical research up to proof-of-concept clinical studies adopting interdisciplinary approaches to the neuroscience of pain. At least 3 researchers based in different participating countries. SNSF funds 3-4 CH-based projects with CHF 100-300K each for 1-3 years.
For PhD students and postdocs affiliated with a Bulgarian institute who wish to do a research secondment in a non-commercial research institute in CH. The grant covers the grantees’ salary and research funds for 6-18 months. Revised call document available here.
Did you know that 34% (283 out of 839) Project Funding approved in 2024 had an applicant or project partner abroad? Contact the Research Service to learn more about the Weave, Lead Agency or International Co-Investigator Schemes and how to involve other countries in your project team.
For CH-based research projects linked to or willing to participate in EU-funded trans-European networks (COST Actions). SNSF funding: CHF 400K for 4 years.
For CH-based researchers in the social sciences and humanities to explore the capacity and social implications of new plant breeding technologies to address food security challenges in CH. Funding: CHF 300-500K for 24-42 months.
For collaborative and interdisciplinary projects, involving at least one Japan and one CH-based researcher, focusing on investigating the causes and biological mechanisms of chronic, low-grade inflammation linked to aging (inflammaging). More details coming soon.
New funding will soon be available for joint CH-UK clinical trials and to support early-career research capacity strengthening. Joint funding of CHF 8.8M / GBP 8M for up to 5 years is available for max. 3 multidisciplinary research teams in CH and UK. Did you miss the webinar? Check it out here.
SNSF Scientific Exchanges are aimed at researchers who want to invite colleagues from abroad for a research visit to CH, visit their colleagues in another country or host their own scientific event in CH. Funding: CHF 2.5-25K.
Look beyond the SNSF and check out the 2025 Research Partnership Grants funded by SERI. These grants are aimed at developing new joint project proposals or connecting already existing, independently funded projects in CH and Latin America for a long-lasting cooperation. Funding: max. CHF 25K.