The next Winter School of USI UNESCO Chair will take place in Limassol, Cyprus, from 13 to 20 February 2021. It is organized in collaboration with the UNESCO Chair on Digital Cultural Heritage at the Cyprus University of Technology in Cyprus. Apply now!
On October 26th, we had the pleasure to host Brig. Gen. Roberto Riccardi at USI in Lugano for a conversation about the work of the Carabinieri Command for the Protection of Cultural Heritage. Their daily challenge is to save beauty, so to pass it on to future generations. Watch the video!
This video was presented during the conversation with Brig. Gen. Roberto Riccardi, it presents the experience of Carabinieri for the Protection of Cutural Heritage and of the Blue Helmets of Culture. What an incredibile work they do!
In October, a group of colleagues from Minas Gerais (Brazil), visited the Chair to work on a project aimed at developing a model of cultural sustainability indicators for the management of tangible and intangible heritage. They conducted several interviews with managers of WHSs in Switzerland.
On October 15 and 29, 156 students from 33 Universities in Indonesia virtually presented an interactive 5 minutes pitch of their ideas on technology for culture, aiming at valorising the exceptional cultural values of Indonesian traditional textiles. See the full story.
The course (in French and English) and is the result of an international collaboration between universities wishing to offer online training on the challenges and perspectives of African natural and cultural heritage. Apply now!
Ella Erzsébet Békési is the co-founder of the NGO "Heritage Education Network Belize", which is dedicated to the safeguarding of culture and heritage in Belize through local communities empowerment and participation. She visited the Chair in October to exchange knowledge and experience.
The Conference "World Heritage & Tourism Innovation" will be held at the University of Primorska, Slovenia, May 15-20, 2022. The focus is innovation for planning and management of World Heritage tourism in times of uncertainty. Abstracts submission until 15.11.2021.
Prof. L. Cantoni was a keynote speaker at the annual forum held online, presenting on how to use digital technologies to engage the audiences and enhance the experience on Cultural Routes, while still offering unique, real time and real life participation. Watch the video!
On October 19, our scientific collaborator Giulio Del Giudice has been the moderator of an event organized by AIGU, where the Italian cities applying for UNESCO Creative cities - Como & Modena - explained the details of their application and their further promotion activities. Watch the video (ITA)!