La comunità USI Alumni cresce: a marzo 2024 sono 13'074 laureati delle 5 facoltà. Provengono da 130 nazionalità diverse e lavorano in 135 paesi nel mondo.
Il 18 aprile si terrà la 9 edizione della Notte Bianca delle carriere all’USI, una serata con 60+ realtà professionali che incontrano studenti e neolaureati USI. Vuoi portare la tua azienda? 55+ alumni già lo fanno e parteciperanno come datori di lavoro. Contattaci se vuoi partecipare!
Come ogni anno il passaggio di testimone è avvenuto tra gennaio e marzo durante il Master Info Day: 55 laureati di master USI hanno condiviso online e on campus il proprio percorso di lavoro dopo il Master con futuri studenti. Guarda online chi c’era del tuo vecchio programma di Master.
L'USI è entrata in molti ranking internazionali (FT, QS, THE) anche grazie ai propri laureati e al loro sviluppo professionale. La partecipazione dell'USI ai ranking permette di aggiungere valore anche al titolo di studio degli alumni.
I laureati lavorano in oltre 135 paesi nel mondo. Sei uno di loro? Contatta il tuo local Chapter (già 38) o diventa il Point of Contact (PoC). Recentemente si sono aggiunti ai 54 alumni PoC: a Zurigo Nicola La Rocca (MFC, 2023) e a Sydney Ashley Thalmann (MT, 2019). Vuoi candidarti come nuovi PoC?
Continuano gli incontri dei Chapter internazionali: a febbraio 2024 i laureati di Losanna si sono incontrati per la prima volta. In primavera si terranno Chapter meetings in Portogallo, Spagna e Washington. Sei in zona? Unisciti agli incontri oppure organizza nella tua città: noi ti supportiamo!
Si è tenuta sabato 16 marzo 2024 presso l'Auditorium del Campus Ovest Lugano la consegna dei diplomi dell'undicesima edizione dell’USI Executive Master in Business Administration (EMBA). I diplomi sono stati conferiti a 14 professionisti di 5 diverse nazionalità.
È stata avviata la 20ma indagine sull'inserimento professionale dei laureati USI. Coinvolti i laureati a 5 anni, cioè chi ha conseguito un titolo nel 2019. Fai parte della classe 2019? Siete in 1590 (Bachelor, Master o PhD nelle 5 facoltà). Partecipa e vedi i risultati online.
Nelle due prossime cerimonie di laurea, il 27 maggio e l’18 novembre 2024, verranno proclamati 800 nuovi laureati che si uniscono alla comunità degli oltre 13'000 alumni USI nel mondo.
I laureati dell'USI possono migliorare le proprie competenze linguistiche e ottenere una nuova certificazione grazie ai corsi di lingua per esterni offerti all'USI. Ai laureati viene applicato un prezzo speciale.
Hai aggiornato i tuoi dati professionali nel nostro database alumni? Informaci su cosa stai facendo e qual è il tuo percorso professionale. Scrivi la tua career story o torna all'USI a portare la tua esperienza professionale per far conoscere agli attuali studenti il mondo del lavoro.
Anche questo semestre i laureati raccontano la loro carriera.Oltre una dozzina di alumni hanno condiviso (o lo faranno) con gli attuali studenti la loro testimonianza di carriera tornando all’USI, di persona oppure online. Scopri chi ha partecipato.
Jr. Trading Manager,Tally Weijl a Basilea (CH)USI Degrees: Master in Digital Fashion Communication, 2024 e Bachelor in comunicazione, 2020
Retail Training Jr. Project Manager,Prada a Milano (I)USI Degree: Master in Management, 2019
Managing Director and Head of Industrial & Healthcare M&A,Intesa Sanpaolo a Milano (I)USI Degree: Economia, 2005
Head of Strategy, marketing and revenue,LAC Lugano Arte e Cultura a Lugano (CH)USI Degree: Laurea in comunicazione, 2005
Host & redattore multimedia,RSI a Comano (CH)USI Degree: Bachelor in filosofia, 2022
Responsabile Servizio Comunicazione e cultura,Migros Ticino a Sant'Antonino (CH)USI Degree: Laurea in Comunicazione, 2006
Institutional Clients - Marketing, Strategic Communication and Corporate Relations,Banca Credinvest a Lugano (CH)USI Degree: Master in European Studies in Investor Relations and Financial Communication, 2022
Founder,Purest a Lugano (CH)USI Degree: Laurea in Economia, 2001
Customer Relationship Management Coordinator Napapijri,VF International a Stabio (CH)USI Degree: Master in Digital Fashion Communication, 2020
Jr. PR & Communications Specialist,Calzedonia Group a Zurigo (CH)USI Degree: Master in Digital Fashion Communication, 2023
Omnichannel Manager,Dosenbach a Zurigo (CH)USI Degrees: Master in Marketing and Transformative Economy, 2022 e Bachelor in comunicazione, 2019
CRM Campaign Manager,Hugo Boss a Metzingen (D)USI Degree: Master in Digital Fashion Communication, 2023
Chief Digital Officer,Arcturus Group a Milano (I)USI Degree: Laurea in Comunicazione, 2000
Brand Marketing Coordinator The North Face,VF International a Stabio (CH)USI Degree: Master in Digital Fashion Communication, 2020
Private Banking – Jr. Relationship Manager, Banca Credinvest a Lugano (CH)USI Degree: Master in European Studies in Investor Relations and Financial Communication, 2022
Il Dies academicus è la festa annuale dell’Università e rappresenta un momento di incontro e di informazione sullo sviluppo dell'USI. Il prossimo Dies academicus, il 28esimo, si terrà sabato 4 maggio 2024.
La Città di Lugano e gli atenei USI, SUPSI e FUS hanno presentato le iniziative realizzate e quelle in programma. La Rettrice Luisa Lambertini ha sottolineato l'importanza di sviluppare il concetto di vero campus universitario in una città universitaria. Online il nuovo portale "Lugano Learn".
L’USI, attraverso questa esperienza formativa, intende offrire a tutti i propri studenti un’occasione complementare al proprio curriculo formativo, per riflettere su come poter contribuire al rispetto dei grandi equilibri dell’ambiente naturale e della vita e creare “una società ben funzionante”.
The USI Alumni community is expanding: As of March 2024, there are a total of 13'074 graduates across the 5 faculties. They come from 130 different nationalities and work in 135 countries around the world.
The 9th Long Night of Careers will take place on 18 April, featuring 60+ professional institutions engaging with USI students and recent graduates. Would you like your company to join? 55+ alumni are already doing so and will participate as employers. Contact us if you want to join.
The Master Info Day takes place annually between January and March. This year, 55 USI Master's graduates shared their career paths with prospective students online and on campus. Check online if any of your former classmates attended the event.
USI has been featured in many international rankings (FT, QS, THE), partly thanks to its graduates and their professional development. USI's participation in rankings adds value to the degrees of the alumni as well.
Graduates work in over 135 countries worldwide. Are you one of them? Contact your local Chapter (already 38) or become the Point of Contact (PoC). Nicola La Rocca (MFC, 2023) in Zurich and Ashley Thalmann (MT, 2019) in Sydney have recently joined the 54 alumni PoC. Do you want to apply as new PoC?
International Chapter meetings continue: Graduates from Lausanne met for the first time in February 2024. Chapter meetings will be held in Portugal, Spain, and Washington in the spring. Are you in the area? Join the meetings or organize one in your city: we'll support you!
The graduation ceremony of the 11th USI Executive Master in Business Administration (EMBA) was held on Saturday, 16 March 2024 at the West Campus Lugano Auditorium. The diplomas were awarded to 14 professionals of 5 different nationalities.
The 20th survey on the professional outlets of USI graduates has been launched. Alumni at 5 years after graduation are involved, meaning those who obtained their degree in 2019. Are you part of the class of 2019? There are 1590 of you (Bachelor, Master, or PhD across the 5 faculties). Participate.
At the upcoming graduation ceremonies on May 27th and November 18th, 2024, approximately 800 new graduates will be announced, joining the community of over 13'000 USI alumni worldwide.
USI alumni can enhance their language skills and obtain a new certification through language courses offered at USI for external participants. Special pricing applies to USI alumni.
Have you updated your professional data in the USI alumni database? Let us know what you do and how your career is progressing. Share your career story or return to USI to bring your professional experience and show current students the world of work.
Also, this semester graduates shared their career story.Over a dozen alumni have shared (or will share) their career path with current students by returning to USI, either in person or online. Discover who has participated.
Jr. Trading Manager,Tally Weijl in Basel (CH)USI Degrees: Master in Digital Fashion Communication, 2024 and Bachelor in communication, 2020
Retail Training Jr. Project Manager,Prada in Milan (I)USI Degree: Master in Management, 2019
Managing Director and Head of Industrial & Healthcare M&A,Intesa Sanpaolo in Milan (I)USI Degree: Economics, 2005
Head of Strategy, marketing and revenue,LAC Lugano Arte e Cultura in Lugano (CH)USI Degree: Communication, 2005
Host & Multimedia Editor,RSI in Comano (CH)USI Degree: Bachelor in Philosophy, 2022
Head of Communication and Culture,Migros Ticino in Sant'Antonino (CH)USI Degree: Communication, 2006
Institutional Clients - Marketing, Strategic Communication and Corporate Relations,Banca Credinvest in Lugano (CH)USI Degree: Master in European Studies in Investor Relations and Financial Communication, 2022
Founder,Purest in Lugano (CH)USI Degree: Economics, 2001
Customer Relationship Management Coordinator Napapijri,VF International in Stabio (CH)USI Degree: Master in Digital Fashion Communication, 2020
Jr. PR & Communications Specialist,Calzedonia Group in Zurich (CH)USI Degree: Master in Digital Fashion Communication, 2023
Omnichannel Manager,Dosenbach in Zurich (CH)USI Degrees: Master in Marketing and Transformative Economy, 2022 and Bachelor in communication, 2019
CRM Campaign Manager,Hugo Boss in Metzingen (D)USI Degree: Master in Digital Fashion Communication, 2023
Chief Digital Officer,Arcturus Group in Milan (I)USI Degree: Communication, 2000
Brand Marketing Coordinator The North Face,VF International in Stabio (CH)USI Degree: Master in Digital Fashion Communication, 2020
Private Banking – Jr. Relationship Manager, Banca Credinvest in Lugano (CH)USI Degree: Master in European Studies in Investor Relations and Financial Communication, 2022
The Dies academicus is the annual celebration of the University and represents a moment of gathering and information on the development of USI. The next Dies academicus, the 28th, will take place on Saturday, May 4, 2024.
The City of Lugano and the universities USI, SUPSI and FUS presented the initiatives that have been implemented and those planned. The Rector Luisa Lambertini stressed the importance of developing the concept of a true university campus in a university city. The new "Lugano Learn" portal is online.
USI, through this educational experience, intends to offer all its students an opportunity to add to their own educational curriculum, to reflect on how they can contribute to respecting the great balance of the natural environment and life and create "a well-functioning society".